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iklim gurun bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "iklim gurun"
  • Desert climates are found in the European portion of Kazakhstan and South Eastern Spain.
    Iklim gurun terdapat di Kazakhstan dan Tenggara Spanyol.
  • Najaf has a desert climate.
    Najaf memiliki iklim gurun.
  • The inner boundary is delimited by the dry climate of the Syrian Desert to the south.
    Batas sebelah dalam ditandai oleh iklim gurun Suriah yang kering di selatan.
  • The Turpan Basin has a harsh, continental desert climate in which the precipitation is far less than the potential evaporation.
    Cekungan Turpan memiliki iklim gurun kontinental dengan total curah hujan kurang dari nilai evaporasi potensial.
  • The huge umbrella keeps the sun off the seats and concourse slabs, providing shade and comfort in the hot desert climate.
    "Payung besar" membuat matahari terhindar dari kursi dan tempat duduk, sehingga memberikan keteduhan dan kenyamanan dalam iklim gurun yang panas.
  • Laayoune has a hot desert climate (Köppen climate classification BWh), moderated by the Canary Current with an average annual temperature of 20 °C (68 °F).
    Laâyoune (El-Aaiún) memiliki iklim gurun, dimoderasi oleh Arus Teluk dengan suhu rata-rata tahunan 20 °C (68 °F).
  • There is no water shortage in the Rwenzori; yet, several members of the afroalpine family resemble species that normally thrive in desert climates.
    Tidak ada kekurangan air di Rwenzori; Namun, beberapa anggota keluarga afroalpine menyerupai spesies yang biasanya tumbuh subur di iklim gurun.
  • Enjoy a sun drenched desert climate, sweeping views of the surrounding mountains and feel rejuvenated and relaxed when the time comes to depart for the journey home.
    Nikmati iklim gurun yang basah kuyup matahari, pemandangan pegunungan sekitarnya dan merasa diremajakan dan santai ketika saatnya tiba untuk perjalanan pulang.
  • The high mortality rate continued for several years in exile due to malnutrition, labor exploitation, diseases, lack of medical care, and exposure to the harsh desert climate of Uzbekistan.
    Tingkat kematian di pengasingan masih tetap tinggi akibat malnutrisi, eksploitasi buruh, penyakit, kurangnya perawatan medis, dan iklim gurun yang keras di Uzbekistan.
  • On the leeward side of mountains, desert climates can exist due to the dry air caused by downslope flow which causes heating and drying of the air mass.
    Di sisi bawah angin pegunungan, iklim gurun dapat terjadi karena udara kering yang diakibatkan aliran bawah lembah yang mengakibatkan pemanasan dan pengeringan massa udara.
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